5G, WiFi, EMFs, and Neurogenic Inflammation

5G, WiFi, EMFs, and Neurogenic Inflammation

There is speculation that chronic exposure to 5G, Wi-Fi, and EMFs may trigger a physiological response called 'neurogenic inflammation.' The WHO states that exposure levels are too low to cause these kinds of effects on the nervous system, but studies are inconclusive and these effects, for various reasons, are not easy to measure. Some Doctors and Practitioners claim that radiation from these technologies is surely the cause of migraines, deterioration of eyesight, neurogenic inflammation, extreme sensitivities to foods (as well as light, fragrance, EMFs, chemicals, etc.), autism, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease, and much more.

So, what’s the disconnect? Part of the problem lies in the way these studies are conducted, as they don't often account for the variability that comes from how an individual interacts with these technologies, or how often, as well as other factors such as living near a 5G tower (or multiple…) or working a job that heightens radiation exposure. And, yet, it is hard to ignore the influx in the many unexplained symptoms that seem to be linked to these exposures.

Neurogenic inflammation occurs when the nervous system detects a threat to the body and responds with a protective mechanism. This mechanism activates sensory nerves within the peripheral nervous system, releases neuropeptides (causing inflammation), increases blood flow (vasodilation), and triggers immune cells to the site of the inflammation. Although designed to protect the body from further harm, this protective response can become detrimental when chronic. It is often associated with autoimmune diseases or other activations within the body such as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Dysautonomia.

Some preventative measures may include reducing exposure to EMFs by limiting the use of wireless devices, using wired connections whenever possible, maintaining a safe distance from sources of radiation like routers and cell towers, or using devices to mitigate radiation effects.

Additionally, practices such as developing the Higher Nervous System, and earthing (bare feet on the ground can help neutralize positively charged free radicals in the body, which are often associated with inflammation and oxidative stress,) breathwork, building resilience within the Nervous System, and even turning off mobile data and switching to WiFi to limit 5G exposure when possible!

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