Additional Study: Books & Lectures
Additional Related Resources
Book Recommendations (free)
- Alice A. Bailey - A Treatise on White Magic: YouTube
- Alice A. Bailey - Initiation, Human and Solar: YouTube
- Blavatsky - Isis Unveiled Collection: YouTube
- Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine: YouTube
- Dion Fortune - Applied Magic: YouTube
- Dion Fortune - Psychic Self-Defense: YouTube
- Douglas M. Baker, Free Audiobooks: Website
- Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet: YouTube
- Edgar Cayce books available to borrow: Open Library
- Gurdjieff - Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson: YouTube
- Manly P. Hall - Esoteric Alchemy: YouTube
- Manly P. Hall - Initiates of The Flame: YouTube
- Manly P. Hall - Ten Basic Rules for Better Living: YouTube
- Paracelsus - The Prophecies of Paracelsus: YouTube
- P. D. Ouspensky - In Search of the Miraculous: YouTube
- P.D. Ouspensky - Symbolism of the Tarot: YouTube
- Rudolf Steiner - An Outline of Esoteric Science: YouTube Website
- Rudolf Steiner - Christianity As A Mystical Fact: YouTube Website
- Rudolf Steiner - Cosmic Memory: YouTube Website
- Rudolf Steiner - Knowledge of Higher Worlds & its Attainment: YouTube Website
- Rudolf Steiner - Theosophy: YouTube Website
Book Recommendations (For Purchase)
- Douglas M. Baker - Esoteric Anatomy: Website
- Douglas M. Baker - The Seven Rays (Keys to The Mysteries): Website
- Edgar Cayce on Atlantis: Everand Amazon
- Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation: Everand Amazon
- Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus: Amazon
- Dion Fortune - Applied Magic: Everand Amazon
- Dion Fortune - Psychic Self Defense: Everand Amazon
- Dion Fortune - The Cosmic Doctrine: Everand Amazon
- Dion Fortune - The Mystical Qabalah: Everand Amazon
- Manly P. Hall - Secret Teachings of All Ages: Amazon
- Manly P. Hall - The Occult Anatomy of Man: Amazon
- Manly P. Hall - Unseen Forces: Amazon
- Rudolf Steiner - An Outline of Occult Science: Amazon
- Rudolf Steiner - How To Know Higher Worlds: Amazon
- Rudolf Steiner - The Philosophy of Freedom: Amazon
- Rudolf Steiner - Cosmic Memory: Amazon
Lectures and Additional Learning (free)
- Christ Impulse:
- Etherization of the blood:
- Guardian of the Threshold:
- Layton’s work on Entities, Entity Attachment, and Removal:
- Layton’s work on Self-Harm (Physiological and Metaphysical causes, Etherization):
- Lucifer, Ahriman, and Christ:
- Nervous System:
- The Immortal Body/Rainbow Body:
- The Lower Nervous System:
- Vagal Toning:

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