According to esoterica, the forces of the Black Sun and the White Sun represent two essential polarities in the spiritual evolution of the divine human. As we have previously discussed here, the Black Sun is a powerful Cosmic force with the potential to act either as a mechanism for chaos and destruction, or as a necessary initiatory path towards purification and transformation, challenging us to confront and transmute our Lower Doppelgänger. The initiation of the Black Sun is a sacred rite that allows us to dissolve old forms and structures that have been built out of our pain, trauma, and lower-centers.
It is only in proper understanding of (in the form of a prepared mind, often through occult training, and a certain level of mindfulness and embodiment…) the Black Sun that we undergo a deep process of Inner alchemy. As we face and transmute that which comes forward from the lower centers, we create space within the healing Heart for the Impulse of Christ to begin to work on and permeate our Being through the alchemical process known as the Etherization the Blood.
This is the activation of the White Sun force within us. Through this process, we become capable of holding Higher forces, having been purified enough now through Etherization to then integrate them within ourselves. While we are first intended to go inward to heal and transmute, we are then called to embody this healing and to live lives of love and of service, outwardly expressing the Truth of this inner work…
Teaching others, through our own example, that redemption is possible, and how to achieve it.
To recapitulate, the White Sun symbolizes the purified, transformed, and redeemed forces of the Black Sun.
It is important that we understand that this ancient and divine alchemical process is not external but has existed within us as an intrinsic pattern since Golgotha. Likewise, integrating the White Sun is not merely conceptual; it involves actively working with Higher beings and Solar forces within us. Christ, as the White Sun, embodies the true Light of the world and is the medium that carries humanity from spiritual death unto spiritual Life. He alone acts as the spiritual master of the current epoch, initiating humanity with qualities of servitude and individuation. Christ alone has initiated us into the making of our Higher Bodies which act as the vehicle for our evolution.
In his work, Rudolf Steiner emphasizes that our ego (our “I or individuality) gained consciousness and awareness through the Christ Impulse. This Impulse endowed us with divinity and the ability to evolve. It is an inspiring, non-forceful presence that respects our free will! The Christ impulse is the still, small voice within us, the seed of hope, and the mechanism for the Spiritualization of the Human form! Just as the Black Sun invites us into deep transformation and purification through the destruction of the Lower Self, so the White Sun enables us to build up the Higher Self, redeeming not only everything within us, but acting as a sort of redemptive portal for Earth as a whole. As we evolve, She, too, evolves.