Nervous system health will soon be our only real defense against what is to come, and this is why the nervous system is under constant attack, and has been for decades (but it is only getting worse…)
Why? Because the higher nervous system is our key to spiritual development. Specifically, the vagus nerve is the mechanism through which we experience higher worlds/higher forces. I plan to release a video going deeply into this in the near future…
When the nervous system is chronically dysregulated, it impairs etherization of the blood by disrupting heart flow and function, thus slowing or disabling ascension flow from heart to pineal gland. This drastically impedes the process of the development of our “I.” Additionally, the frontal lobes become disabled as we enter into survival mode, locking us into the lower nervous system.
The lower nervous system, associated in occult science with the sympathetic state, is connected directly to the 8th sphere. Clairvoyantly, it reads as “electrical” and is, as you can imagine, easily influenced, controlled, and triggered by certain technologies and electricities.
On a regular basis, we are intentionally targeted with frequencies, media, food, toxic chemicals, news, etc that is intended to dysregulate us into survival mode so that we remain easy to control.
That being said, the sympathetic state, or “lower nervous system” can truly be activated by anything that accelerates stimulation. This can include overstimulating media, too much sugar, too much caffeine, etc…but even some herbs and medicinal detoxes in large amounts.
Now, more than ever, we must be extremely mindful of what we are consuming. In terms of technology, media, entertainment, “medicine,” food, beverages, chemicals, etc…