Rudolf Steiner on Trauma and Devolution of the Physical and Astral Body

Rudolf Steiner on Trauma and Devolution of the Physical and Astral Body

Rudolf Steiner, in “A Symptomatic View of the Astral Body,” said that a child that is beaten and treated like an animal will devolve, in the astral body, to the attributes and behaviors of an animal.

Trauma and abuse play a major role in the development (or devolution) in the Soul. When we experience chronic trauma and abuse in childhood, extreme stress is placed on the liver, and can even cause liver injury in some cases. The liver, being the organ of perception through which the “I” (or individuality) develops, becomes hardened, causing our higher sense perceptions to begin to shut down.

Without this ability to develop our higher sense perceptions, (or higher nervous system) we become trapped in a cycle of identifying only with our trauma, pain, and abuse. Our behaviors, attributes, and impulses become that of the lowest nature, affecting not only the astral body, but also manifesting as physical and mental illness.

The development of our “I” is a result of healing from these deep wounds. While we heal the physical body, we heal the astral body. Likewise, what we heal and recover in the astral body has an even greater impact on the physical body. If you have experienced severe abuse, this healing can take a long time, and that is okay.

There is no rush, and the length of time it takes to heal is often dependent on factors that go beyond this incarnation, and is not always a representation of devolution. In fact, extreme psychic sensitivity can put similar pressures on the liver and nervous system, as the body must be regulated and attuned to specific degree in order to integrate certain higher forces.

As always, when approaching the task of healing the Self, and especially when engaging in healing work with others, as psychics we must use discernment, carrying grace, love, and compassion in our hearts in ALL things. ❤️

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