“You will know them by their fruit”
When it comes to the process of spiritual evolution, we see that it is not anecdotal…no, there is a clear system via which we operate, a spiritual system that is practical, applicable, and measurable. Familiarity with this system has the potential to teach us some great lessons of discernment if, along with this system, we enter into a practice of our own psychic development and Inner Work.
Whether we are measuring the impulses within ourselves, the spiritual nature of an entity, or the integrity of a teacher or mentor, we can use this predetermined system of development to aid us in discerning that which comes from a Lower force or Lunar Impulse from that which represents a Higher force or Solar Impulse. Someone who is operating from a Lunar Impulse is operating from the past, as the Solar Impulse represents our current time, and we must be correctly oriented to this Solar Impulse if we are to bear the Fruits of Spirit which flow forth from the Solar Stream or the Christ Stream.
Lunar Impulses come out of a worship of the Black Sun, which can also be seen as a worship of our past and the Old Ways of Being. The Old Ways represent our pre-Christ Consciousness, and work against the “I,” fragmenting it further as we actively push against Christ, like the damage that can occur when one forces themselves against the current. As we orient ourselves to the Old Ways, we begin to develop Fruits of Anti-Spirit. However, choosing to orient ourselves to Christ without the proper balance of our Lunar Impulse is also problematic, and the force of our imbalance naturally inverts our connection to the Solar Impulse, orienting us instead with Lucifer, or the False Light.
Either of these imbalanced orientations will bear rotten fruits, fruits that are Anti-Christ in nature. If Christ is a nourishing and life-giving force, the anti-Christ fruits will bring death and decay. If Christ brings love and service, the anti-Spirit will bear selfishness and greed. Where Christ inspires humility, the anti-Spirit mocks humility and elevates pride. Where Christ is patient and understanding with others, someone operating from the anti-Christ stream will mock, shame, and even bully those who upset them. Where Christ invites you into sovereignty and discipleship, a teacher or mentor operating from the anti-Christ stream will demand respect, elevating themselves over you as some kind of guru, sage, or master.
In a time of great deception, we must be more discerning than ever. If we know the Christ stream by its fruits, we must enter into a place of deep honesty where we can objectively measure these fruits within ourselves and other people. “Making a judgment” is not the same thing as casting judgment. We can objectively discern Spirit from anti-Spirit without looking down on ourselves or another for having fallen into a certain Impulse. Our ability to see with clarity and honesty will be our greatest compass! Christ Within will always guide us back to peace, truth, compassion, forgiveness, grace, love, mercy, integrity. Not just for those that we deem “deserving,” but for every single human. Christ, as the story of REDEMPTION, inspires us to see the Divine in another, to believe for ourselves and for others that healing and redemption are possible! Christ, as the force of purification, encourages us to renounce the Old Ways as we position ourselves to the Christ Stream.
This is His Impulse, anything that denounces His Fruits, in turn, denounces Christ!