The idea of an "advanced" form being mechanical or transhuman is antithetical to what we know as the Resurrection Body, which represents true spiritual advancement. Unlike advanced spiritual technologies, material technologies aim to exercise quasi-divine control over the process of human evolution, completely neglecting Divine processes such as Etherization and Spiritualization that are necessary in the path of Initiation. Without initiation into these technologies, humanity remains akin to a naive child, handling nuclear weapons the way one might absentmindedly handle a plaything.
Naivete aside, the human form is anatomically designed, from an esoteric perspective, to either be on a path of evolution or devolution. Even if one has no intention of trading in their ancestral skin and bones for shiny machine parts, failure to Spiritualize the human form through submersion into The Christ and submission to the higher Will will act as a cork into the heart of the individual, preventing proper etherized blood flow through the heart and into the pineal gland, thus slowing and inhibiting any once-healthy development of the "I" and locking it into the lower realms or lower nervous system where it often cycles unconsciously among lower astral influences, egregores, thoughtforms, trauma, and pain.
This is because there is no path to Spiritualization of the human form that does not pass directly through the Heart, which (when operating from a place of surrender) is triggered to ignite transformative fires of initiation within the pure, seeking Soul. With this in mind, we could say that the Heart and the individual's connection to and relationship with the Heart is the deciding factor regarding a fate of either evolution into the higher angelic forces as it pertains to hierarchy, or a fall "from Grace" which means, according to its oldest context within Christianity, to fall from the favor of God where Higher influences and virtuous impulses are bestowed upon humanity. Truly, this is the most accurate definition of "devolution," as it represents not only the lack of those Higher influences but also their complete inversion and degradation, which is the most authentic understanding of "evil." In this way, evil is the truest and most pervasive form of sickness, as it represents the rejection of all things natural and Divine, to a core level.
That being said, it is of utmost importance to dedicate ourselves not only to the immersion of virtuous impulses, feelings, and thoughts but also to dedicating ourselves deeply to the practices of shadow work, the development of self-awareness, and trauma recovery. While I heavily emphasize employing a daily somatic practice and building nervous system resilience in the path of the initiate, it may be important to you not to neglect other modalities of healing, such as past life regression and soul retrieval, in the process. Praying for ourselves and others is another valuable path towards healing. When we pray for others or pray for humanity, this is called "intercession" and acts as a direct contact within the Higher angelic streams. These prayers need not rely on words but are instead a pure heart's expression of love, gratitude, warmth, compassion, service, and surrender. The Heart (when we are rooted in it) stands between Man and Machine, thus safely and intuitively guarding us from a path that is the lowest perversion of Creation.