The Karma of Untruthfulness, Political Ideologies, and Moral vs. Immoral Technologies.

The Karma of Untruthfulness, Political Ideologies, and Moral vs. Immoral Technologies.

Rudolf Steiner often spoke about what he called the Karma of Untruthfulness, where he touches on the individual and collective evolutionary implications of aligning ourselves with that which goes against Natural Law or divine Cosmic order. At its core, Truth represents order, balance, and harmony. It represents not only our thoughts, words, and actions but also the forces and impulses behind them. When one is connected to Higher Forces they become imbued, through initiation, with virtuous impulses. These are the Fruits of The Spirit that we embody when working in alignment with the Holy Spirit and angelic beings. Positions of the Heart such as love, gratitude, gentleness, compassion, and self-control are natural symptoms of a human form that is balanced and harmonized through this connection with Higher forces. We become Balanced and Harmonized through the alchemy of the lower centers due to shadow work, spiritual study and preparedness, and initiation. The cultivation of virtuous qualities is a key aspect of individuation, which is represented through the autonomy and personal power that we gain through personal transformation and the spiritualization of the human form through the process of the Etherization of the Blood.


In contrast, lies and deception represent a reversal of the processes of individuation and Etherization, and ultimately lead to the regression and devolution of the human form as well as humanity as a whole. For one, individuality cannot exist in tandem with the alignment with lower forces. When we are aligned with lower forces (often out of trauma, pain, dissociation, or even pure pride and selfishness) we automatically give up our power and autonomy to the inevitable siphoning of these forces, which rely on the feeding of our life force energy to keep them relevant and empower their larger agendas. These subnatural beings and forces operate outside of the lifewave, meaning that they are nothing….without you. Their ultimate goal is to play on the pain, trauma, selfishness, and greed of humanity in a way that prompts us to abandon the human form altogether and instead rely on false promises of technological advancement for our healing and evolution. As beings of the eighth sphere, they strive to replace our environment with the same substances that make up theirs so that there is no longer any boundary or separation. Then, when humanity is too sick and regressed to continue to inhabit our angelic human form, we will have no choice but to replace it with machine parts, which will also act as a suitable form for….you guessed it, these lower astral forms. The belief that we can engage and barter with these beings and still maintain our autonomy and individuality is a blatant lie that, if believed, will lead to inevitable decay and destruction.


What does this look like, in action? Steiner references the connection between this evolutionary regression and the infection of the Soul with certain political ideologies. In 2024, we have a few key examples of political and religious ideologies that clearly push this rejection of the human form, and do so on a basis of lies and deception that have become so integrated into society that it is rare to see any pushback, and certainly not within mainstream media. Reality is being replaced with unreality. Deception taking precedence over the truth, and it’s all backed up and supported by media, the education system, medical establishments, and “science.” Essentially, we are living in the Stranger Things equivalent to the "Upside Down." Some of these lies range from transhumanistic spiritual ideologies and beliefs that spread promises of healing, intelligence, and advancement (think the “signs and wonders” promoted by the "antichrist" or “opposing Christ” forces in Revelation,) the UFO “disclosure” blaspheming the story of Creation, the blatant call to replace men with women and women with men (now involving children in this process of luciferic inversion,) and the complete downfall of modern medicine that is too broad at this point to briefly summarize, but you will have at least some idea if you have been paying attention.


 These lies have both instant and longterm karmic implications. Remember, karma isn't is memory. The patterns that we repeat from prior incarnations will continue to repeat...until we heal. Our dedication to healing is more important than ever. Our values and opinions matter now, more than ever. We must remember that reality will always be reality…regardless of how we “feel” about it. Truth and integrity foster positive karma for humanity, and lies and deceit foster negative karma for humanity. Even if we are not actively working to spread these ideologies (which act as thoughtforms and egregores, infecting the hearts and minds of individuals…) our acceptance of them or our refusal to speak Truth and affirm reality will have implications, starting with the effect that “living a lie” has on the central nervous system as it pertains to the immersion of the human form in these chronic regressive states. The more that we accept lies as Truth, the less we align with Balance and Harmony, the more we fall prey to sickness and disease of the mind, body, and soul.


This is often what is meant by the saying that woke culture or “wokeism” is a disease. Any ideology that promotes the vandalization, dissociation, or outright rejection of the human form is a regressive ideology that will cannibalize the soul. In this state, one gives up their autonomy and individualism for a false sense of community, acceptance, and “freedom.” The irony being that the tradeoff is that of complete slavery of the mind, the Will, and the Spirit!


It is also important to understand that these forces act as a form of spiritual technology. For example, a “moral technology” would be the complete advancement and evolution of the Angelic Human Form through a union with the Holy Spirit, Christ, and Higher Angelic Forces that bestow virtuous impulses onto the initiate out of their grace, love, and compassion for humankind. These virtuous impulses aid in the spiritualization of the human form, working on the initiate over time towards building what we know as the Resurrection Body. This is considered a spiritual or moral technology because of its ability to advance the human form. There are not, and never will be, any material technologies that could attain such capabilities. In this advancement of the human form, we develop super-human (or, Angelic) qualities. Again, this process cannot be replaced by any material technology…only parodied.


However, attempting to replace this process would be considered an “Immoral Technology.” Immoral technologies refer to any technology that is heavily rooted in the impulse of materialism, and relies on working outside of natural law or divine Cosmic order in an attempt to replicate the same results. Altering the human form in ANY way that acts to defy an aspect of Gods creation and replace it with our own is an Immoral Technology, and will provide the fate of regression and devolution unless we choose to “turn the ship around” and actively work to undo this collective damage!

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