The Nervous System is ELECTRIC, and a Natural Technology!

The Nervous System is ELECTRIC, and a Natural Technology!

I keep emphasizing the connection between 5G, EMFs, technological warfare, and the Nervous System because the Nervous System is an electrical system. Our nerve cells generate electricity. Electricity is a technology that is part of nature....however, we know that nature is made up of that which is both natural, and that which is sub-natural.

Photosynthesis is one well-known example of what we would call a natural electricity, or, otherwise, a plant technology. These natural frequencies create negative ions. In this case, the word "negative" actually implies that which is harmonizing to the mind, body, and soul. Elements which produce these negative ions, such as clean water and sunlight, are like a regulating, healing balm to the Nervous System.

While 5G is non-ionizing, meaning that it does not produce positive ions, it does emit non-ionizing radiation. The full impact of this level of widespread radiation on the human form is currently unknown, but we do know enough to know that it has been shown to have negative effects (negative, in this context, actually does imply "bad") on the Central Nervous System, as well as being linked to greater rates of inflammation in the brain and body.

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