The Role of The Nervous System in Etherization of The Blood

The Role of The Nervous System in Etherization of The Blood

Proper etherization of the blood relies on the correct circulation of the blood, which we achieve through Spiritualization of the nervous system, aka development of the Higher Nervous System. Without a certain level of the toning of the Vagus Nerve, there remains a disconnect between the adept and the Heart-space. The Heart is the furnace through which we transmute our pain and trauma, connecting to the inspiring, stimulating, and alchemizing impulse of Christ and Higher Forces which burn away all that is not of God.
Additionally, the connection between blood and the Vagus Nerve involves the regulation of various physiological processes, including blood pressure and heart rate. The Vagus Nerve, also known as the tenth cranial nerve, plays a significant role in the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary bodily functions. In short, this is our connection to our senses....including our social and spiritual sense perceptions.
Without healthy functioning of both of these mechanisms, the "I" fails to reflect the Atman or Higher Self, and instead becomes anchored into states of pain, trauma, and dysregulation which we would associate with the lower astral or the eighth sphere. This is because it is through the Heart that the blood processes our Individuality, and where we then develop our Will. It is my perception and understanding that this employs a sort of "reverse" etherization, causing the Will to then become possessed by pain egregores and lower astral beings. This is where we lose ourselves.
That being said...not only does Nervous System Resilience and Vagal Toning have a positive effect on our ability to etherize according to the Christ Impulse, but our connection to the Heart and these Higher Forces, in turn, soothes and regulates the Nervous System and Vagus Nerve, often bringing healing and transformation through the astral body and into the physical human form. In this way, we see a mutually supportive relationship at play!
This is why you will hear many mystics and classical occultists repeatedly reference the calming, grounding, and regulating effects of Higher Forces, as well as claims of this Spiritual connection often triggering miraculous healing and wholeness within an individual. Yet, when it comes to lower beings, the Nervous System becomes overstimulated with excitement, euphoria, and pleasure, often leading to those who frequently engage with these beings feelings drained, burnt out, and unable to ever move out of lower nervous system states for longer than the length of the spiritual highs they chase...
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