The Solar Plane - the Black Sun & the White Sun

The Solar Plane - the Black Sun & the White Sun

The Black Sun and White Sun represent two complementary Solar forces in esoteric tradition, with the Black Sun emphasizing inner transformation and creation from within, and the White Sun focusing on outward illumination and the expression of spiritual truths.

The Black Sun can also be seen as the Holy Mother, or Mother Mary, while the White Sun represents Christ and the Divine Masculine polarity.

When these forces are in their positive forms, they support a balanced spiritual development.

However, when inverted, they can lead to spiritual pitfalls, such as materialism (Ahrimanic impulse) or false spirituality (Luciferic impulse).

The inverted Black Sun is regressive, and pulls one backwards….it can be associated with the process of “reverse” Etherization.

In order to properly Etherize, we must Etherize according to Christ, which means that we orient ourselves to the Solar Impulse - the White Sun!


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