The Upper Room and The 5 Positions of The Heart

The Upper Room and The 5 Positions of The Heart

There is a place deep within the chest cavity that is not confined by the ribs that surround it like castle walls.

This place exists as the center of everything. Without it, the lungs would surrender to a permanent slumber; the eyelids closing hard like gates, denying so much as a glimpse at life from this moment on.

This is the Heart, but we don't speak here of the heart in the physical sense, fleshly and beating.

Instead, we are going to look at the esoteric nature of the Heart and be speaking entirely metaphysically from this point on.

I often see the Heart as a house, and have referred to it that way in my previous writings. Although there are indeed many various layouts and forms that a house could be built to reflect, I am going to be referring to any house which includes on it's premises a ground floor, a basement or cellar, and an attic. This is the standard image I've decided to work with when presenting the Positions of the Heart, which can also be interpreted as "floors."

Here, we will start with the Upper Room and The 5 Positions of The Heart. These Positions are not comparisons and one position (or floor) is not to be placed before another. Instead, they work together to create balance and harmony within our center. Before we get into the Positions, let me lay a foundation by explaining the signification of the Upper Room. The Upper Room existed in a physical sense as the location of The Last Supper. Esoterically, the Upper Room represents the place where G-d and humanity merge. It is an invitation "beyond the veil" and is typically accessed through rituals of prayer, contemplation, meditation, and fasting. Accessing the Heart Portal through transformation and initiation, we enter the play-place of our inner child, where we will learn to cultivate and maintain holy emotions on the basis of Higher Principles.

The Positions themselves are not to be confused with the fruits of The Spirit, although there is certainly overlap. Instead, the Positions of The Heart are to be perceived the way that one knows that all other colors are born out of the color seedlings we refer to as Primary Colors. The Positions are to be seen as the groundwork for mixing yellows with blues and reds with yellows.


The 5 Positions of the Upper Room:







It is my belief that these Heart Positions work together symbiotically to create a channel for Christ Consciousness to flow through effortlessly. With practice, and in due time, we can learn to re-position our Heart accordingly every time we may find ourselves led astray by our lower self. Conclusively, I've come to find this as a core truth within my own life.



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