Awakening Higher Clairvoyance

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"Everyone who wants to become clairvoyant needs to develop three virtues, which are crucial for him. First, self-confidence is needed to be sure of oneself. Second, self-awareness is needed so one is never allowed to shy away from recognising one’s mistakes. And third, presence of mind is needed since one will encounter many things on the astral plane that, while present around us all the time, are something else to see. For this reason these characteristics must be developed first and foremost, and it is really nonsense that some sort of schools or societies train people to become clairvoyants without guiding them in this way." 

-Rudolf Steiner


Quick Note: I recommend watching my lecture on the Guardian of the Threshold prior to course work if you are unfamiliar with the concept. Link:


Awakening Higher Clairvoyance Presentation & Slides

Download below to open in a separate browser for easy viewing during class (or print!)

AHC: Module One

What Is Clairvoyance?

Three Types of Clairvoyance

Higher Clairvoyance vs. Lower Clairvoyance


AHC: Module Two

Higher vs. Lower Nervous System

Etherization of The Blood

Etherization vs. Reverse Etherization


AHC: "The Exercises" 

The Importance of Character & Integrity 

Exercises & Activation Prayer


AHC Exercise Workbook


Speaking on the Rose Cross, Rudolf Steiner (in GA 68) paraphrases Goethe's saying:—“The man who is without this dying and becoming is a sad stranger on this dark earth”!

Additional Studies:

Rudolf Steiner Archive

GA 10: "How to Know Higher Worlds"
Discusses steps for spiritual training and the development of Clairvoyant abilities.

GA 13: "An Outline of Occult Science"
The structure of the spiritual world and the development of Clairvoyance.

GA 9: "Theosophy"
Introduces the spiritual constitution of man and the path to Higher knowledge.

GA 95: "At the Gates of Spiritual Science"
Explores the conditions and requirements for the development of Clairvoyance.

GA 98: "Nature and Spirit Beings: Their Activity in Our Visible World"
Examines the role of nature and Spirit beings in Clairvoyant perception.

GA 108: "Practical Training in Thought"
Discusses exercises and practices for developing Clairvoyant faculties.

GA 173a: "The Karma of Untruthfulness"

Discusses Higher Moral principles, truth, and karma.

GA 130: "The Mission of the New Spiritual Revelation"
Touches on the evolution of human consciousness and Clairvoyance.

Psychic Somatics Lectures:

Healing The Clairvoyant, Part One


Healing The Clairvoyant, Part Two


The Christ Path of Renunciation & Self-Sacrifice


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